Understanding Gatka: A Martial Tradition
Gatka Ground Equipment
The following ground equipment must be available as per the requirement but may be increased in view of level of tournament:
• Sufficient amount of chalk powder or 50 KGs Lime Kali Chuna or tape to draw the ground markings/lines.
• A measuring meter tape at least 50 feet long.
• Six tables and ten chairs for officials, referees etc.
• Gong (with striker) or bell.
• Two stop watches.
• Five (5) whistles.
• One first-aid kit.
• Sticks and Farris (at least twenty each).
• At least ten Faceguards (Five Red and five Blue).
• Singlets/ Jackets at least ten (five red and five blue).
• Belts (Kamarkassa) at least ten (white/yellow/blue or different colour except red).
• Red and Blue flags tied properly on a 1½ foot long stick (at least 3 each).
• First-Aid Kit, one stretcher and one ambulance (as close to the ground as possible).
• Notepads for Judgement/Result sheets conforming to the pattern drawn up by the NGAI.
• Plain papers, file covers (20), pens, staplers (2) and carbon papers.

In case of Gatka Management System, then there shall be ;
• One coloured printer
• Digital Scoreboard
• At least two LEDs
• Three HD video cameras
• Uninterrupted /backup power supply/Generator (Silent)
• Fast speed internet connection with wi-fi router
Minimum Requirements for a tournament
• At least 30 deluxe chairs on VIP stage & 500 chairs for public with covers
• Backdrop at VIP stage : size 10×6 or as per size of VIP stage
• Sound system, 4 cordless mikes, CD/USB player, and a generator
• Two Gatka grounds : size 50 ft radius each, may be on stages measuring 50x50x3 ft, 4 judgement tables, 3 tables with covers for placing weapons, Victory stand, 20 Flags with different colours, 3 flag poles for NGAI and WGF flags, trained person for flag hoisting, band party,
• Welcome banner, Entry gate and at least 2 hoarding in the grounds,
• Drinking water for players and public (water tanker), mineral water bottles for VIP, tea/coffee and snacks and dry fruits on stage,
• ‘Langar’ for players and public if possible,
• Lohis and Siropas for honouring VIPs and Referees
• If more than one day event, then comfortable night stay arrangements,
• Invitation for press and their seating arrangement, press note preparation and emailing
• Photographer and Videographer for coverage
• Medals and certificates
• All arrangements to operate Gatka Management system during the event